Your Simple One-time gift

With your help, AFC is changing lives and bringing hope to the people of Honduras. Choose your own level of giving from the options below.

Special Donation for New Truck

AFC needs a new truck. The truck is used for general operations of the clinic and used heavily during brigades construction, food bag delivery, transportation of suitcases and medical and dental brigades. It’s our “work horse”. The truck cost is $49,000.

We need to raise $24,500. We have a matching gift if we raise $24,500

Monthly Giving - Sponsor A Child

By partnering with AFC you can support a child in the Nutrition Ministry. This monthly donation provides food for the child's family, medical/dental care for the child, counseling, training and spiritual training and Bible study for the family. The cost to fully sponsor a child is $105 a month. But we have plans beginning at only $35 a month. Choose your own level of giving from the options below.

Monthly Giving - Sponsor A Preacher

Would you or maybe your church missions, small group or other organization like to help provide support for a minister that works with AFC?

Your giving will support a preacher to spread the Gospel in new areas of Honduras.

Monthly: $550

Monthly Giving - AFC Operations General Fund

We need help with the day-to-day operational cost of AFC.

This is an often overlooked yet important need. The money in this fund goes toward staff salaries, utilities, vehicles, fuel, and general operation of the medical and dental clinic. Choose your own level of giving from the options below.

Monthly Giving - Sponsor a Staff Member

Help support the people that you have gotten to know so well. AFC needs your help to keep the staff funded. Choose your own level of giving from the options below.

One Time Giving - Build a House

Our teams can build a house in 1 day. It is a 16x16 house with 256 square feet. We add a concrete floor and 2 beds. This house brings hope. It looks exacly like this house in the picture.

Your donation will provide construction materials to build a house for a needy family.

One Time Gift: $1500.00

One Time Giving - Water Purification Kit

Provide a water purification kit for a family in need.

One Time Gift: $70.00

One Time Giving - School Supplies

Your gift will provide school uniforms for a child in the nutrition program or a backpack and school supplies.

One Time Gift: $45.00

Monthly Giving - Test

For Test.